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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Teachers: Mrs Viner Bunce and Miss Elliott

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Quigley and Miss Johnson

HLTA: Mrs Outtram


Our topic for Summer Term 2 is



We will be visiting a local dairy farm to begin thinking about where our food comes from.

We will write a recount of our day using the text 'Dear Diary' by Sara Fanelli.



The picture below shows what we will be covering this half term. The subjects in grey have already been covered.




We will spend Summer Term 2 consolidating our Maths knowledge and applying our skills by answering reasoning and problem solving questions.



We will continue to follow the Essential Letters and Sounds scheme of learning to aid phonics progression.


P.E. will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please ensure your child's kit is named and in school and that earrings are removed on these days.  We will also be outside more often during this term so please bring in appropriate footwear for this.



Secret Agent Training (SATs) Workshop


