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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1





Teachers: Miss Bellerby, Mr Thomson & Mrs Carr

Teaching Assistants: Miss Hick, Mrs Harrison & Mrs Blaik

HLTA: Mrs Outtram



Our topic for Summer Term 2 is


Oh we do love to be beside the seaside!

The picture below shows what we will be covering this half term. 

Here are the White Rose maths concepts we will focus on this term.




This is what we will be covering during our Essential Letters and Sounds sessions.



P.E. will be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Please ensure your child's kit is named and in school and that earrings are removed on these days.


Home Learning

Here is a menu of activities that you could complete at home. We will welcome in any outcomes during the last week of term and share them in class. A copy of this document will be sent home and has also been saved in the Home Learning folder below.




