School Dress
Parents wishing to send children to Leigham Primary School, should understand that children are expected to wear school uniform as follows:
Black low- heeled school shoes- not trainers; plain, white, grey or black socks, grey or black trousers / skirts or tailored shorts (no leggings); white shirt – polo or long sleeved; royal blue sweatshirt with school badge. Royal blue checked or striped dresses in summer optional.
Royal blue sweatshirts and cardigans, at a cost of £11.00 - XS, S, M, L, XL - are available from the School Office. Adult sizes are £12.00 each.
It is essential that all items of clothing and footwear are clearly marked with the owner’s name.
PE and Games
Children must have the correct clothing for these lessons.
Black shorts or PE skirt
Plain house coloured t-shirt (All shirts should be plain in design, not designer or football strips.)
In Years F, 1 and 2 plimsolls are essential.
In Years 3, 4, 5, & 6 (KS2) children will need plimsolls for indoor PE activities and trainers for outdoors.
A plain black tracksuit would be suitable for cold weather in KS2. A small kit bag which can hang on a peg is needed.
Make up and nail varnish is not permitted. |
Hair accessories must be small, plain and subtle. They should only be in school colours (white, grey, royal blue or black.) Excessively large bows are not permitted. |
Earrings should be small, plain circular studs. Only one pair of earrings should be worn. Children wearing multiple earrings will be asked to remove them. |