Compassionate Schools work to ensure that children, young people and the wider school community who has dying parents, siblings, grandparents and loved ones, and those who are experiencing loss and bereavement feel supported by the school and their peers.
Our Compassionate Friends and Buddies
A large group of staff are trained as Compassionate Friends to support children who are experiencing loss or anticipatory grief. They can be identified by their Starfish pin badges on their lanyards.
A team of Year 5 and 6 pupils are also trained as Compassionate Buddies- with starfish badges- and are on hand to talk to peers in school.
Starfish Club
On alternate Wednesday lunchtimes, our Compassionate Friends hold a drop in Starfish Club in The Walker Room. Teachers will signpost children to the club if they are going through a difficult time, experiencing loss or grief. There is mindful colouring available, books to read, books for journaling, iPads too. It is little ‘sanctuary’ area, somewhere for calm and somewhere to visit if they want to talk about their thoughts and concerns. They don’t of course have to talk about this if they don’t want to or they aren’t ready to, it is just nice for them to feel that they aren’t alone.💗
Memory Tree
In the main reception/library area, we have a Memory Tree. Children and adults can write a special message to a lost loved one and hang it on the tree. Whether for anniversaries or birthdays, Christmas or special dates, a message card can be collected from the school office or a Compassionate Friend.
Resources for Parents
We have a large selection of age-appropriate books on loss available in school. These can be loaned to families upon request.
Useful websites:
Winston's Wish - giving hope to grieving children (
Home - Jeremiah's Journey (