Leigham Primary School Vision and Aims
Our school vision is for excellence in the academic, social and physical development of all children, in an ever changing and diverse world.
To achieve our vision we aim to involve staff, pupils, parents, governors and the wider community in enabling children to:
- Enjoy learning and develop life long learning skills
- Gain appropriate knowledge and skills, including a local, national and global awareness
- Make a positive contribution and experience personal success
- Develop a sense of responsibility and independence
- Develop initiative and confidence
- Develop social skills, particularly empathy and working collaboratively
- Develop understanding and respect for others
- Be healthy and stay safe.
This will happen in an environment where:
- Diverse opportunities are offered to all children
- There are high aspirations for all and children are encouraged to make the most of their talents and achieve their highest possible standards
- Learning to learn is a vital part of the culture, children and adults are encouraged to take risks and develop resilience
- There are clear expectations for work and behaviour, both inside and outside of school
- Children and adults are valued
- There is clear communication, co-operation and understanding
- Safety and healthy living are given high importance
‘Leigham Primary School .......creating curious, confident, learners.’