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School Council

Leigham School Council 

Our current School Council class representatives were chosen through a democratic process in September 2023. Our Council has also been extended this year to include representatives from Foundation Stage all the way up to Year 6.


This year's aims are:

  • To hold more school council events.
  • To improve the resources and toys on both playgrounds.


The objectives set out by school councillors so far have been based on feedback and discussions with each class.


2023-2024 Events

Cake Sale

In the autumn term, we raised £33.70 at our first fundraising event!


Local Councillor Visit

During the autumn term, we were joined by Councillor Sally Creswell (Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Apprenticeships and Labour Councillor for Stoke Ward). Sally was able to see the impact of the flood, visit classes and talk to staff about our provision at Leigham Primary School. We talked about the impact of and our response to COVID in school, and the support we feel that schools and families need from the Local Authority moving forward. To support our Dream Big initiative, Sally has invited some of our pupils to the local council offices in the near future.


Menu Tasting

During the spring term, some of our Key Stage 2 councillors took part in a tasting session to help choose the new caterers for Connect. It was delicious!



Upcoming Events

  • Bring and Buy Sale - March 28th 2024
  • MAT School Council Meeting - Details to follow
  • Council Office trip - Details to follow

