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Welcome to Leigham Primary School and Nursery ...Creating curious, confident learners

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Late/Absence Procedures

Please notify the school regarding your child’s absence, preferably by telephone message, by 9.00am on the first day they are not in school and every day subsequently thereafter. If notification is not received, we will text you, followed by a phone call and if not available, ring other contacts listed on your child's emergency contacts.


Authorisation for absence during term time is only given in exceptional circumstances. To request an absence you will need an S2 Absence Request Form available from the school office, to be forwarded to the headteacher for authorisation. Unauthorised absences are recorded on your child's Attendance Certificate.


Whilst at Leigham Primary School we endeavour to work with parents to improve your child's school attendance, a Penalty Fine may be served by Plymouth City Council on parents whose children are persistently absent or late or who take their children out of school without authorisation.
